Handicap Hey handicap ”All right my little children, gather round those groovy handicapped are here. So tell me babe, so what kind of handicap do you have?” “Well I had a motorcycle but it cost me an arm and a leg.” “I can see that. Pretty groovy appliance. I bet the ladies dig it, hey babe?” Who goes in the bathroom Grabs the biggest stall A handy metal railing So they don't slip in the bowl The handicapped The handicapped The handicapped can They handicapped can Cuz they got a special sticker Makes them better than you Makes us better than you The handicapped park Anywhere they want Takin' up the closest spaces
Zoomin' in their wheelchair races Spittle drippin' down their faces Yeah yeah yeah Zippin' through the crosswalk On a motorized machine Winning groovy medals On their own Olympic team The handicapped The handicapped Oh the handicapped can The handicapped can Cuz they're pals of Jerry Lewis And the telethon crew The handicapped can Cuz they are very special people And they're just like you With some a**holes too ”We are the handicapped babe, and we are groovy, know what I am saying? People love to take us shopping at Christmastime, cuz we park so close to the mall.” The handicapped The handicapped