It was down in a canyon down Mexico way This is the tale I heard happened one day We were playing some Poker an plying some boose Where any old Hombre could win or lose Up from the table jumped YOU ALL GREEN the baddest Hombre you have ever seen He said no wonder I can't win a hand tonight Cos that stranger over there from Texas is between me and the light Want to hear all about me Just before I do here's my last decree My name is YOU ALL GREEN I am from New Orleans I am about the baddest Hombre you have ever seen. I was born in a barn with a Butcher's knife trouble I love thieves I despise Wild Horses kicked me in my side and a Rattle snake bit me and crawled off and died When I was Seven I went to Spain to put the Thunder in cuffs and the Rain in chains
Walked Barbed wire, barefoot for miles or more Seen lying in the Basin there lays the road. Stranger stood up slow,with his Gun hanging low Spoke with a draw so deep and low I am YOU ALL GREEN I'm from New Orleans I'm about the baddest Hombre you have ever seen His hand flashed to quick for the Human eye but he was already look down the barrel of a Forty Five One shot rang out with a Hell of a roar and the next body lies there on the floor I am YOU ALL GREEN I am from New Orleans I, about the baddest Hombre you have ever seen. Have Mercy A couple of inaudable lines missing plus a little Artistic licence.