How far should I swim through this empty river ‘Till I can find myself peace again? How long will a man keep feeding children Lies about love, life and history? When will we forget all those endless memories Of when we caused pain to our fellow man? And when will we start to cherish the moment Before it all comes to an end? Now I can feel my heart slowly sinking Into this dark cold nothingness While you count all your cold blood pennies That you took away from the helpless Where can I find the road to freedom? Has anyone ever really been there? Has anyone seen my good friend, Hope? Or has she been laid down to rest?
Now why don't we all just pick up the pieces And try to start all over again? And maybe one day we can create a future Filled with joy and good friends Never forgetting the dead ones Heroes without nor past and nor name Who is to blame for this same old sad tale The time has come to swallow our pride And throw away the tools of destruction I'm sure we can learn to share our possessions And cut off the roots of corruption Then we can sail through this long river Filled with life, love and hope, my friend As we set our sails towards freedom And travel away from the bitter end