In the Occult Shop window, was the guitar he wanted to own They said it belonged to a "Legend", he bought it and he took it home It took control of his fingers, when he played it, it gave him a scare He took it back where he bought it, the shop was no longer there Possession could be nine-tenths of its law The Spirit of the Legend is immortal The soul inside the guitar, will go on, on and on He played the guitar like a Demon, it filled an insatiable need He couldn't stop for an instant, playing till his fingers bleed No time for sleeping and eating, he knew that something was wrong
He was playing the guitar, but who was writing the songs? Possession could be nine-tenths of its law The Spirit of the Legend is immortal The soul inside the guitar, will go on, on and on His body and mind were both broken, insane, they locked him inside They gave the guitar to a stranger, they said it was gone and he cried In the Occult Shop window, the guitar was back on display Another kid came and saw it, he bought it and took it away Possession could be nine-tenths of its law The Spirit of the Legend is immortal The soul inside the guitar, will go on, on and on