I draw these little pictures From the thoughts inside my head As I sit inside this cla**room I don't hear a word thats said But I know someday I'll wake up Read the writings on the wall Till than I die reckless When I sleep I often fall Your views and your habits are not systematic Your life will reek havoc till you wake up (and let it go) We're fed up, we've had it Your heads full of static Better take your medicine I sit inside this cla**room and I draw these little pictures I contracted my distractions They are dipictions of my conflicts The teachers say I'm laid back
Too much for my own good Still at night I'm restless I never sleep the way I should Your views and your habits are not systematic Your life will reek havoc till you wake up (and let it go) We're fed up, we've had it Your heads full of static Better take your medicine (It's a straight line) I ditched my obligations To stay in bed today I know that I die reckless But I never seem to change Ya I've drawn this little picture of the world outside my window I know someday I'll wake up And the whole things gonna blow The lead on my pencil breaks Guess I'm a s**er