Awake at night and sleep all day These pills made me confuse What did the teacher say? A grand on the sheets Makes mummy who you want her to be I close my eyes ‘cause a job is a job and She f**s for her safety Set her hopes free Set her dreams free Set her soul free The city, the jungle, the people still struggle The streets are the playground to learn how to f** up The man who pays her is pretty much f**ed like her Trapped in a dead end job No life he deserves It's started out good with college Where I should have learned
Money does not mean safety I'd trade all I've earned Set her hopes free Set her dreams free Set her soul free The city, the jungle, the people still struggle The streets are the playground to learn how to f** up All we wanted was safety Not power or money Set her hopes free Set her dreams free Set her soul free The city, the jungle, the people still struggle The streets are the playground to learn how to f** up The city, the jungle, the people still struggle The streets are the playground to learn how to f** up