The masterplan unveiled To reign its hell on earth And bring its terror See them on their knees before him This darkness will enshroud The sinners and the saints To bring deliverance Suffocating into madness At this point of no return At a time when light will fade There is really no escape I feel fear inside me In this hellish cavalcade At the apocalypse of time You've k**ed God and laid law To emptiness ideal In this maniacal idea We have implicated fear You k**ed faith and laid law To emptiness ideal We wanted to be Gods So on our wings we flew Revengeful angels Falling on the earth in anger Now hear the cry of man Repenting all their sins
From paradise they've fallen To become unholy At this point of no return At a time when light will fade There is really no escape I feel fear inside me In this hellish cavalcade At the apocalypse of time You've k**ed God and laid law To emptiness ideal In this maniacal idea We have implicated fear You k**ed faith and laid law To emptiness ideal At this point of no return At a time when light will fade There is really no escape I feel fear inside me In this hellish cavalcade At the apocalypse of time You've k**ed God and laid law To emptiness ideal In this maniacal idea We have implicated fear You k**ed faith and laid law To emptiness ideal