And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train when that was something my hand won't do? And could I ever get to palm a gun down flat and lose it Lose it when that was something my hand won't do? And could I ever get to sleep all day and all night With the lights on when that was nothing to get excited about? It's so old, it's so old And it's not a word I use anymore Electricity Not when it can bring you Accident Camera crews Cyclone fencing Here it comes now, here it comes Go on, get out Get outta here If my brother was here, your face would be blood, buddy! Or changing, you recieve Sugar and water Satellite photographs
Computer crime I once wrote a very interesting article on computer crime We sell soul Mono recording only And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train Doctor, restore he sight I'm losing face And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train Sixteen years old and already fully trained In the use of automatic weapons And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train And could I ever get to stop that train Stop that train