I am available for children's parties, by the way. I know some of y'all might have a youngin' coming of age and not want to go the traditional clown-balloon animal route this year might wanna look me up: Beelzebozo - Clown from Hell. "Hi, kids, it's Beelzebozo time! Tell me somethin', who here outta you youngins has never smoked a cigarette? C'mere, kids! What's yer name?" "Tommy." "Tommy? How old are ya?" "...five." "Five years old? And you mean to tell Beelzebozo you're not smokin' cigarettes yet?
C'mere, Tommy!" [quick puffs, long hacking cough] "Hold it in!" [quick puffs] "Mommy!" "Nope! [singing] It's Beelzebozo time... Tell me somethin', who here outta you youngins has never watched a skin flick? C'mere, kids!" [imitates a film projector whirring] "See them? Them's titties! Huh hah!" "Mommy!" "That IS yer mommy! C'mon! [singing] It's Beelzebozo time..." Clown from hell!