Pwy welaf fel f'anwylyd Yn hyfryd ac yn hardd Fel ffrwythlon bren afalau'n Rhagori ar brennau'r ardd? Ces eistedd dan ei gysgod Ar lawer vawod flin; A'i ffrwyth oedd fil o weithiau I'm genau'n well na'r gwin. Gweld wyneb fy anwylyd Wna i'm henaid lawenhau Trwy'r cwbl ges i eto Neu fydd gaf ei fwynhau Pan elont hwy yn eishiau Pam byddaf fin yn drist Tra caffwyf weled wyneb Siriolaf iesu grist? Who can I compare to my beloved, Beautiful and fair Like a fruitful apple blossom
Finer than all the other trees there? I was allowed to shelter beneath him During many a thunderstorm, And a thousand times more pleasing than wine On my lips were the fruits of his form Seeing my beloved's face Makes my soul sing out in praise, For all that I have had already, And will have ‘till the end of my days; When I lose these many blessings, Why should I feel any sadness, For while I can see Jesus Christ's fair face My heart will be full of gladness