She puts on a good show; hung/juried on conjecture by people who should know, by a panel of experts. How can she expect anyone to respect her, when she exhibits no cla**, but always stays for a lecture? Oh Maryanne, they've all got you in the palm of their hands. You're wrapped round the fingers of total strangers so tight, you're bound to lose again. I just hope she makes the most of her neurosis:
dosin' it out, devoted to social Go Fish. At least keep it sharp and know how to use it. But remember where it's hid, and you're sure gonna lose it. Oh, I can't stop you and your friends playing bad cop/worse cop, tilting vicious and pretty in your surrogate city, a well-oiled scene of machine cogs. Your new friends— so mean, but you can't see the end. Keep it sharp and know how to use it.