Miss Alice Preece was thirty-two And relatively well-to-do; A house and car both in her name, A certain modicum of fame. The much reported legacy As left to her by Aunt Marie Provided for her favourite niece The daily needs of Alice Preece. The swirling dust around the feet Of children playing in the street Was swirling round the rubber wheels Which carried baby Susan Niels; Around the supermarket door Where left for not a second more Than takes the strength the stranger lacks To break the thread that holds her back. From loneliness within the world,
Now Alice Preece's baby girl Provided her with something more, With something to be living for. To satisfy the crying need Within herself, she did indeed Commit the crime that the police Laid at the door of Alice Preece. They took the child and in its place They left a feeling of disgrace. The mother, Janet Niels, did say When asked, "She should be put away!" The case is closed on Alice Preece, But now whilst a'waiting for release She still remembers Susan Niels; And wonders what else that reveals?