We joined the theatre company before we learned to speak And swept the stage for a so-called wage, and seven days a week The talented were hungry as they struggled to improve. The talentless were quietly rehearsing every move And we all knew the part we had to play, We all knew the part we had to play. The press reported sadly across a tear-stained page Their ringing lies that eulogise the pa**ing of the sage. And the gathering of the great and good, the humble and the wise, Will celebrate and seal an actor-managers demise. And we all know the part we have to play, We all know the part we have to play. Beneath the wistful twilight in the cold and swirling cloud, Where images are conjured and with magic are endowed, The Grecians and the Avant-Gardes so violently crossed swords
'Til one arose as principal and Chairman of the Boards; Then we all knew the part we had to play, We all knew the part we had to play. And now the wind is blowing in the tragedy of d**h. The cardboard castle still maintains the story of Macbeth. But all this, plus integrity, is swiftly broken down When Duncan is a P.T. Barnum three-ring circus clown Who knows not the part he has to play, Who knows not the part he has to play. The Great Eccentric learns the lines he knows he has to rail; But ultimately starring in a very different tale, He thanks you for your confidence, and for playing by the rules. You cannot understand the funny feeling we were fools. And we all know the part we have to play, We all know the part we have to play.