I feel rea**ured and you could say relieved When I realise what mankind has achieved. The Pastor is preaching of power and grace – It's plain in the lightness that falls from his face, In patrolling the paths that the martyrs have trod He's fortunately mastered the thinking of God. Evolution, or unmarried mothers, or gays; The Lord, He can move in mysterious ways. It's heartening, and it's amazing to see How often the Lord and His servant agree. His servants are sometimes decidedly odd; At least 'til they've mastered the thinking of God. Addresses and readings and Sermons on Mounts Safely convince us it's our God that counts. The Imams and Rabbis and Priests and the rest, Convey and persuade us that we're truly blessed;
Excepting of course for that poor little sod Who hasn't quite mastered the thinking of God. They say we're the image of Him, but I've found In fact it's exactly the other way round; And while self-delusion is par for the course, Well, people like me, we can sing 'til we're hoarse. It's easier, it's simpler just giving the nod To someone who's mastered the thinking of God. The prophets are great, and there's much to be gained For those who'll untangle what can't be explained. There's power, there's glory, but always for me You are what you are and it's all you will be While the Chaplain still blesses the firing squad. It's good to have mastered the thinking of God.