Suddenly you come to me with a million questions Oftenly you seem to know answers Free advice was part of the deal Now that's not how I feel Suddenly you come to me with a little caution Normally I'm impressed, not this time Free advice was part of the deal Now that's not how I feel 'Bout time I let you know 'Bout time I quit this role I won't decide for you I won't decide for you 'Bout time I let you know 'Bout time I quit this role I won't decide for you I won't decide for you Forgive me if I seem to go for this option Normally I'm impressed, not this time Free advice was part of the deal Now that's not how I feel, how I feel, how I feel
'Bout time I let you know 'Bout time I quit this role I won't decide for you I won't decide for you 'Bout time I let you know 'Bout time I quit this role 'Bout time I let you go 'Bout time I quit this role Won't decide for you Won't decide for you I won't decide for you I won't decide for you Won't decide for you Won't decide for you Won't decide for you Won't decide for you Suddenly you come to me with a million questions Oftenly you seem to know answers Free advice was part of the deal Now that's not how I feel Won't decide for you Won't decide for you Won't decide for you Won't decide for you