See all people in Afghanistan praying to the gods and living in the sand Somebody's gonna have to set them free, nobody hears the call or command But it's a long way to Harlem, and a long stretch to the king of Siam And if you don't have a penny, why should I give a damn? Ad Hominem. You think you're better than I am? Ad Hominem. You think you're better than I am See all the s**ers in the handout line living on scraps and they don't have a dime Waiting for endless charity devoid of any sense of posterity Well there's no Great Depression and there's no Great Society
And only few go to heaven, all the rest are damned and free Ad Hominem. You think you're better than I am? Ad Hominem. You think you're better than I am I'm just a soft-cover version of a much harder tale A walking resemblance of ruts in the trail Is it possible to divide your ideas and beliefs Ideas and beliefs Ideas and beliefs from the people that you don't like? Ad Hominem. You think you're better than I am? Ad Hominem. You think you're better than I am