Darwinism is just preposterous Richard Dawkins and the rest of his apocalyptic posse Just use biology to advance their hateful atheist doctrines But the bible teaches us that human nature is fallen Because we fell into temptation with original sin That's why rap music is all about “b**hes and rims” Rappers are just giving in to their God-given Sensual whims, and the Devil is watching with a wicked grin Evolution isn't just a failed theory with a lack of proof
It's also a direct attack on moral absolutes Without the bible you can't even say Hitler was bad for the Jews So if you're a fan of Darwin, you're a fan of the Nazis too At best, evolution is just a useful metaphor For man's God-given ability to change and choose a better course So don't even bother showing me the bones of a stegosaurus It probably died in the flood, which the fossil record supports