Performance, Feedback, Revision The first version of this rap was pretty primitive It was like, "Yo, yo, the origin of species Ain't no feces, dawg, believe me…" And that's all I could think of So then I thought, this needs to be re-written And sometimes people ask: "How does your show get written?" Like this: performance, feedback, revision And how do I generally develop my lyricism? Like this: performance, feedback, revision And how do human beings ever learn to do anything? Like this: performance, feedback, revision And evolution is really an algorithm that goes Like this: performance, feedback, revision So the genetic code of every living creature was written Like this: performance, feedback, revision See, the genes are like a text with a thousand pages And revision occurs in the random changes That come from mutations, and when they see the light That's the performance, that's the phenotype And natural selection is the feedback side
That's about who survives and whose genes catch rides In the next generation, yes, what I'm saying Is that a rap performance like this is the best illustration Of the way descent with modification works 'Cause the performance is necessary to change the words To decide which have an impact and which to send back To the drawing board, in fact I just did that When you failed to react, 'cause any line can change And mutations occur when I improvise on stage 'Cause up until this moment, everything I said was off the page But… (Freestyle improvised rhyme) And that's how my show gets written and re-written Like this: performance, feedback, revision And anyone can use this algorithm to learn anything Like this: performance, feedback, revision But remember, you get the feedback, and you make the decision Like this: performance, feedback, revision You wanna know about evolution? This is the definition Like this: performance, feedback, revision