Honestly, I'm kinda scared of success 'Cause the bigger I get, the better I gotta dress And the more people I gotta address, which leads to more stress And less time with people that I love most Here's an up-close look at this cut-throat business that'll rip out your heart like an artichoke You read the article, heard what the artist wrote Especially the part about life called inaudible Now you blindsided like L.T. did to Theismann Say goodbye to your dreams, there goes the Heisman See, a lot of us weren't meant for the spotlight It's too hot, it can make your heart not right And while I wrestle with the pressures from this world While being a role model to these precious boys and girls I frequently second guess and question it all That's when I have to go back to the call Chorus: In moments like this I wanna quit fighting 'Cause everything's wrong I can't make it right and It keeps getting worse I'm wondering if it's even worth fighting for I'm not so sure You ever feel like life's leading you on? And every good thing that ever happens goes wrong? And every risk you take becomes a mistake Leaves you asking, "Will I ever become something great?" See back in school they told me that I would Never told me how, they just told me that I could Thought it was guaranteed even if I didn't try But like is like a Mike Tyson punch to the eye One minute you fine and you ridin' in the fast lane But over time that lane becomes the crash lane And misfortune, it can stab you like a back pain Set you back, like back when they made black people ride the back of the bus
But like gas prices we can get it back up Moments like this got me saying that enough is enough But I guess the tough get goin' when the goin' gets rough, huh? Chorus: In moments like this I wanna quit fighting 'Cause everything's wrong I can't make it right and It keeps getting worse I'm wondering if it's even worth fighting for I'm not so sure But in moments like this Keep on fighting 'Cause everything that's wrong One day will be right and Our only choice is to believe the Voice that has told us it's worth fighting for (It's worth fighting for) These moments that will break us (uh, us) Are the moments that will shape us (uh, us) In these moments we will find out What we're really made of That we really have what it takes (yeah, yeah, yeah) I'm not gonna give up Not gonna quit though my heart's gettin' ripped up Keep moving forward, my hands I will lift up Eyes on the prize, though these earthquakes shakin' my foundation Are 8.8 on the Richter But moments like this we can't afford to be quitters I choose to rely on the strength that my God Is equipped and swift 'cause it's more than sufficient Chorus: In moments like this I wanna quit fighting 'Cause everything's wrong I can't make it right and It keeps getting worse I'm wondering if it's even worth fighting for I'm not so sure But in moments like this Keep on fighting 'Cause everything that's wrong One day will be right and Our only choice is to believe the Voice that has told us it's worth fighting for