Dear Zarek, we'd like to thank you for your application There were 80,000 applicants across the nation Here are some FAQ's for decision information We'd like to thank you again for your consideration I must have refreshed gmail page about a hundred times Checking the unread messages first 100 lines Oh man you didn't get in? Well I did, but it's fine College isn't the end, you'll have your chance to shine But it was everything to me, and only now I see It is everything to those who live in my community I did anything I could to shield my insecurity It was a penny fling into the bank of universities I don't like to admit it Physics got the best of me Maybe I would have gotten in if I had took the ACT If I was a different race I would have got in scott free Then I wouldn't have wasted my life. Oops, forgot to breathe [Chorus] College isn't everything, College isn't everything, College isn't everything
But it was everything to me. X2 SD was nice I could have lived by the sea Or see myself succeed if I got UIUC Didn't get into Slo, maybe cause I was too slow SB was super harsh, man I didn't even know Didn't get UCI, I guess my GPA's shy Didn't get into Davis, I don't wanna guess why Didn't get LA, too little work and all play Didn't get Cornell either, Hey man you okay? Didn't get CMU, say it's not true It was a longshot but that program's what I wanted to do Didn't get into Berkely, man that one was mean I've wanted that one since there was no number one in the eighteen But lately, my heart drops at than computer screen Congratulations mean nothing to average teen Who didn't get any, I don't want to hear what you mean College isn't everything? Yeah, Except everyone's dreams