Li - li - lion - Lions in a jungle Jungles in a cage Tra - tra - trouble - trouble in the homelands Trouble in the homelands Makes front page Zu - zu - lu - come out to play Bongo drums said today Front page caption read like this Natives dress as terrorist Tribal war a perfect plan For the one that damned the land Since that ain`t you or me Tribal war continually Mountain milk for mount nutrition Send us some more ammunition Never buy me ivy trade Let`s go plug a hand granade Thank you boss - for Red Cross Apreciate goodwill No - no - no - stomach for our loss Yeah - yeah - yeh - I fell quite ill I -I - I`d - really round the flag But we got so many I guess thats why why you act Like we ain`t got any Tarzan has come home again Heard the news diamond vein Had to split no room to siwing Sun City wanted him to sing! Easy to see no unity Ma**es ruled by minority When these guys come on the scene Ruined a good blues party I know I`ve hear the tune before I thought as I was kicked through the door
Something `bout admission fee But I was sure house belong to me They told us to go in stereo Machine guns `gainst spear and bow Egged on by TV cameraman Someone called the teargas van White knight write our wrongs Lyrics for the protest song Number one top of the charts Rock and roll bleeding hearts They offer us a special patch Knew there had to be a catch Family tree pulled at the root They still bear that old strange fruit Plenty reason plenty reason to be gum Living by the gun down in a slum Stake your claim blow by blow Saw my pals go flying through the window Li - li - lion - Lions in a jungle Jungles in a cage Tra - tra - trouble - trouble in the homelands Boss in a rage I know mister if it was you It would be cut down like a flower Some things never change Corporate crime gets free range Only out for personal gain Grab the land and sieze the power! Whats all this about big game? Don`t you know the lions tame