AUG's on the scene with a vengeance No man or law can end this Power, in a true sense of the word Now it's time that my people be heard Some feel this oppression no longer exists Well here's something they missed Self D means self determination To put a stop to colonization We begin with a historical an*lysis To illustrate a Mexican paralysis See Mexico's been occupied since 1848 Which left the mexicano at a constant 2nd rate Now learn the word called colonization Stranger in your own land under exploitation This is the state of the indigena today Under the oppression of the settlers way (x2) WE DIDN'T CROSS THE BORDERS, THE BORDERS CROSSED US! (x3) YET THE SETTLER NATION LIVES IN DISGUST! The American dream only for some Play the role and forget where you came from Now check it, this is their reality And just because its wasp holds no validity WASP-White Anglo Saxon Protestant The frame of mind that keeps our oppression constant You try to be white and its very respectable But be Xicano and its highly unacceptable Then we're termed hispanic as if we were from Spain Trying to insert us in the American game And we're called wetbacks like we've never been here When our existence on this continent is thousands of years
This is the state of the indigena today Under the oppression of the settlers way (x2) WE DIDN'T CROSS THE BORDERS, THE BORDERS CROSSED US (x3) YET THE SETTLER NATION LIVES IN DISGUST ­ repeat To the earth, to the air, to the fire, and to the water.... The eagle and condor have met We must realize Our connection to this land Till a Hopi and a Mexica can really understand That invaders divided indigenous people Under english, french, or spanish it make us all feeble Unable to recognize each other From Xicano to Lakota all sisters and brothers In the spirit of Pontiac, all the red keepers of the earth mother From the top of Alaska to the tip of South America Abya Yala, Anahuak, Turtle Island 506 years of indigenous resistance The prophecies are coming true The redemption of the red people has come! The 6th sun now arises The 7th fire has arrived Cihuatl is reclaiming We have returned to Aztlan We have returned to Aztlan!!!! WE DIDN'T CROSS THE BORDERS, THE BORDERS CROSSED US (x3) YET THE SETTLER NATION LIVES IN DISGUST!! GET THE fu*k OUT, GET THE fu*k OUT, GET THE fu*k , fu*k, fu*k OUT GET THE fu*k OUT WASICHU EATER OF THE FAT WASTER OF EARTH MOTHER AND PEOPLE COLONIZER OF AZTLAN AND THE WORLD GET THE fu*k OUT!!!!