[A. Ayreon's fate] AYREON DESPERATELY ATTEMPTS TO CONVINCE MERLIN OF HIS SINCERITY, BUT MERLIN WON'T HEAR OF IT AND CASTS HIS SPELL ON POOR AYREON. [AYREON:] misguided Merlin you fail to understand I could never be your rival I was just a pawn in a future masterplan for the purpose of survival [MERLIN:] Ayreon, I've cast my spell upon you I have no faith, you cannot be true Ayreon! [AYREON:] I forgive you Merlin for you don't know what you've done even for you, it was all a mystery one day you'll see that I was the one who could change the course of history [MERLIN:] Ayreon, you're words are all in vain close your eyes, there'll be no more pain oh Ayreon... [B. Merlin's prophecy]
MERLIN IS STRICKEN WITH GRIEF FOR HE HAS HAD A VISION THAT PROVES AYREON TO BE GENUINE. RELUCTANT TO PASS INTO ETERNITY AS THE MARTYR OF MANKIND, MERLIN VOWS THAT AYREON'S WORD WILL BE SPREAD IN THE 20TH CENTURY, IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL NOT BE TOO LATE AND THAT MAN WILL HEED HIS PREMONITIONS. [MERLIN:] I see one day his story will be told at the end of the 20th century I see one day the truth will unfold and the quest has now begun oh Ayreon! I hope one day that man will understand it's in his power to change his destiny I hope one day he'll do all that he can and all the nations will be one oh Ayreon! [C. Epilogue] THE OUTCOME OF THE FINAL EXPERIMENT HAS NOW BEEN PLACED IN YOUR HANDS.