Fever rising, set to overload Nostrils burning, stench of your skin Hacking...portions of mangled flesh Descend...euphoric state of mind Lifeless...lying in a pool of blood Fetish...glutinous in its form Hunger...infatuation with gore Impulse...devour the corpse Consume...no parts left behind Digest...all organs and entrails Rancid rot, strands of meat, tainted feast On the hooks, vertebrae, raw decay Maggots spawn, in the guts, rotted s*uts
Putrid smell, all around, I'm aroused Seasoned corpses, barbecue, human stew On my plate, fluids drained, from her brain Fork in my hand, buzzing flies, flavored eyes Masturbate, as I eat, this dead meat Euphoric flesh consumption Tasting the satisfaction Female necrotic flesh Cannibalistic dish Cannibalistic dish Female necrotic flesh Tasting the satisfaction Euphoric flesh consumption