We baited hooks with subtle reward in mind Little mattered then, still, little matters now The plans we made were designed to perpetuate through snakes of life We left too much faith in the pieces to fall into place while we spent the meantime carving our own ways Little choice we had then, nothing but choices to make now If I'm anything like you, before we can decide another day has pa**ed, hand over hand And if you're anything like me, you're trying to catch up to fleeting frames Headlong into sand It's just like us to wait until we're full of what we need to say
And now we're floating off to where we thought we'd never be Your kid's strings are stretching weak This distance is unraveling Please, still see, that happiness is there for you to reach You left it where it waits for you to climb How endowed we are to be alive Let their songs sing you home The heartstrings hooked in your throat will land you right where you were always supposed to be Transcending pity held for you or me We will always want, but they're the ones that need