All Apparat Albums
01 Multifunktionsebene, Tttrial and Eror, Duplex (2015)
02 Krieg und Frieden (Music for Theatre) (2013)
03 The Devil's Walk (2011)
04 DJ-Kicks (2010)
- Borderlands *
- Echocity *
- Harrowdown Hill *
- I Need A Life *
- Intervall *
- Legendary *
- Lengthening Shadows *
- Lesser People *
- Miniluv *
- More Room *
- Moths *
- Rush *
- Sayulita *
- Sub *
- Tempest *
- The Madness Of Moths *
- The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow *
- Tower Block *
- TV Power *
- Welt Am Draht *
- Worn Down *