Document 1:
Source: Mao Zedong, written report on
the peasant movement in central China, 1927.
The present upsurge of the peasant movement is a colossal event. In a very short time, in
China's central, southern, and northern provinces, several hundred million peasants will
rise like a mighty storm, like a hurricane, a force so swift and violent that no power,
however great, will be able to hold it back. They will smash all the chains that bind them
and rush forward along the road to liberation. They will sweep all the imperialists,
warlords, corrupt officials, local tyrants, and evil landowners into their graves.
Document 2:
Source: Conversation between a teenaged peasant and his grandfather, from an area
controlled by Chinese Communists, recounted by Edgar Snow,
Grandfather, you call villagers joining the Poor People's league, voting for Communists,
having their sons join Communist armies or daughters enroll in schools crimes? These
are patriotic acts! Did we have a free school before? Did we ever get news of the world
before the Communists brought us radios? Who told us what the world was like? You
say the cooperative has no cloth, but did we even have a cooperative before? How about
your farm? Wasn't there a big mortgage on it to landlord Wang? My sister starved to
d**h three years ago, but haven't we had plenty to eat since the Communists came?
You say it's bitter, but it isn't bitter for us Young Communist Vanguards when we learn
to use a rifle and fight traitors and Japan!