All Anne Bradstreet Albums
01 Poems of Anne Bradstreet (2013)
- A Dialogue between Old England and New
- A Letter to Her Husband Absent upon Public Employment
- A Love Letter to Her Husband
- An Apology
- An EPITAPH On my dear and ever honoured Mother Mrs. Dorothy Dudley, who deceased Decemb. 27. 1643. a
- Another
- Another-II
- As spring the winter doth succeed
- As weary pilgrim, now at rest
- Before the Birth of One of Her Children
- By Night when Others Soundly Slept
- Childhood
- Contemplations
- Davids Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan
- Deliverance from a Fit of Fainting
- Deliverance from Another Sore Fit
- Epitaphs
- Flesh and the Spirit, The
- For Deliverance from a feaver.
- For the restoration of my dear Husband from a burning Ague, June, 1661.
- Here Follow Several Occasional Meditations
- Here follow some verses upon the burning of our house, July 10, 1666
- Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House
- In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth
- In My Solitary Hours in My Dear Husband his Absence
- In Reference to her Children
- In Thankful Remembrance for My Dear Husband's Safe Arrival Sept 3, 1662
- Meditations Divine and Moral
- My thankfull heart with glorying Tongue
- Of the Four Ages of Man
- Of the four Humours in Mans Constitution.