The first time I laid eyes on you
I felt that you would be
A darling little furry ball
To take right home with me
Your ears were long
Your nose so wet
I knew right then
We were destined to have met
You needed me
I needed you
And Oh what fun we've had
All these years too
We've romped and we've played
We've cuddled and hugged
And you've known all along
Your so dearly loved
Now you're an old gal
I'm getting there myself
But I swear to you my canine friend
I'll keep you in good health
For my sweet sweet Dana
This I promise you
The years that you have left with me
I'll be there for you too
Your world is oh so quiet these days
But this I understand
You've really learned to read my face
and obey all my commands
I'll be your ears,
I'll be your eyes
I'll always hold you tight
Because I love you sweety
With all of my might
If I could walk a million miles
I'd find no dog like you
You've added so much to my life
And I love you through and through
It's clear to me we are best friends
This we know for sure
Cause our master-pet connection
Is so open honest and pure
Finding you in "87 was much much
more than fate
So lets go out and have some fun
My little black playmate!