Ou say there's nothing in the future for us This lust is just a pa**ing thing You tell me late at night while lying in bed That we're not really happening You tell me this is nothing real That we can touch but we can't feel Let's leave reality out of this shall we No need to mention it it's always here Give the cold hard facts back to the mathematicians We're magicians We make reality disappear We're really something when we take off our clothes I wish that we could stay this way
It's not a healthy way to live, I suppose At least that's what I was raised to say You tell me life is just unfair But I can hear that anywhere Let's leave reality out of this shall we No need to mention it it's always here Stick the rhetoric with those old slick politicians We're magicians We make reality disappear Suspend belief - it's a must to My fantasy - I don't trust you But I won't hold it against you As long as you hold me against you