The things I took, and the things you gave Don't expect me to understand your choice The grave forgives mistakes eternally due Forever enslaved to the grimness of my soul Condemned to inner peace restlessly floating above life The shade of hate confuses me, the anger fades away Release me from this pain and my k**ing spree Times of melancholy serve the purpose of decay My mind suffers from never ending surges in agony Ohh, my life ends
Ohh, a whispering wish For me, a sword unleashed in agony For me, a greed unknown by your deity Enslavement in sorrow... At the moment I realize everything is gone I feel free from emotions The frail heart strengthens with stone No longer can I weep for events long gone My hate has withered into a dead face The anger carries me into the dark void My sorrow slowly fades into a remorseless hate Enslave yourself to your own lies