In the movie of our lives, would Woody Allen write the screenplay? Not his best era, but certainly not his worst either But I wouldn't like to be like Diane Keaton in Manhattan So cerebral was she, runs away from any romance But though you're neurotic, and a little paranoid It doesn't make me Annie, it doesn't make you Alvy Woody Allen couldn't play you Woody Allen couldn't play you I know you want him to But he couldn't play you If the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman was still with us
What a mastermind but surely he'd have trouble with us See I wouldn't like to be like Bibi Andersson in Wild Strawberries What a doll she is, but I'm really not that complex And although we argue, and we have our problems And sometimes it gets bad, it never gets Bergman bad Max von Sydow couldn't play you Max von Sydow couldn't play you I know you'd want him to But Max von Sydow couldn't play you