Lyrics to "Releasing The Hound" by Alisha M. Forrester Scott
At times, at times
I lament the night
You took my life
And changed it
At once, then twice
I paid the price
For simply
Being nearby
My heart denied
I died inside
And for months
Dark days were mine
In lieu of sharing pain
I steeped in my self-shame
Not knowing that
My shame would make me die
Not bent
But broken
Beyond awoken
My mind reset itself
Alone I died
So mad I cried
I feared myself
The most
No waves, no sun
My pride undone
Then I had
One saving thought
Release the weight
Forsake self-hate
And Love will set you free
With no place to hide
Once more I tried
I heard my spirit call
With freedom in view
New hope ensued
And I honored My Own Life
Now that was then
I'm me, again
Thank You for helping
Me to grow