I used to have a woman wit' a front tooth crowned with gold I used to have a woman, Lord, Lord, front tooth crowned with gold Says, I wouldn't mistreat her, not to save nobody's soul Oh, tell me, woman, what's gettin' the matter with you? Oh, tell me, woman, what's gettin' the matter with you? You been actin' so funny and I ain't done nothin' to you Woman, the way you've been doin', y' know you can't harm poor me
Says, the way you've been doin', you can't harm poor me Says, the way you got done, you can't stop the Santa Fe Lord, the way you got doin', can't stop the Santa Fe Says, I can beat you doin' what you're tryin' to do to me Says, I woke up this mornin', 'tween midnight and day I woke up this mornin', 'tween midnight and day Say, I thought I hear my woman, when she kindly stayed