Proud black eyed living idol
Announces the coming of the plagues
Ayopechcatl cozcapantica mixiuhtoc
Proud black eyed living idol
Announces the coming of the plagues
The god is now protected
The immortal stars came from underworld
Inform that cycle is ending
Because the thirsty god reclaims the world
Yellow Faced Ixcozauhqui
Fire-old-blood-sun ancient god
Take this hearts as offering and let the world
To the new sun god!
Witch screams loud:
Cutting wind protect us now!!!
The place of spreading hairs!!!
In the Hall of Flames
Let me not put to shame my ancestors;
Descending there, let me not put you to shame
Begin your song...
Begin your song in the Hall of Flames;
Why does the Witch not come forth?
Why does he not rise up?