They say there's fewer sounds sweeter than the tone of children's laughter It captures men's hearts - proof life ends happily ever after And at eight years old, in the sunshine, a princess Held access to the fairy tale to be her sole witness Hop scotch on the block in the hot Chicago sun Double Dutch, selling lemonade til the day was done Summer's world shone bright, despite never knowing her biological Parents that placed her in a dumpster near the hospital Nurse Jones raised her right, and did all that was possible For a woman of sixty-five that had her own life's obstacles Provided all she could afford, "a Ford" pickup and a tenement Clean clothes, food, medicine, all bought for Summer's betterment Hesitant to let her out on the sidewalk alone For fear of what was on the corner a few steps from home But seasons change and it seems to have shown She couldn't protect Summer when she was full grown Summer breathed Winter in the chasms of her nose Spring up for pa**ing seconds, Fall down from an overdose Sixteen, prom queen, pristine, stayed clean Never mixing with the vagabonds that rolled with dope fiends But the winds of autumn came, and like the colors that changed Summer's interests, hobbies, and priorities re-arranged Peer pressure never phased, but validation was a problem In order to stay on top she had to go to the bottom To compromising situations, giving body and soul For the goal of keeping Nurse Jones warm in the cold After six months of fighting, Miss Jones moved on Took a deep breath, winked at Summer, closed her eyes, and was gone
And Summer tried to stay strong, stayed in school, fixed her focus But unpaid bills culminated to an eviction notice Now homeless and hopeless, wandered - darkness on the streets Looking desperate for a job to get her back on her feet But no one hired a 16-year old dropout with a halo So she continued the march with the other broken-winged angels Summer breathed Winter in the chasms of her nose Spring up for pa**ing seconds, Fall down from an overdose Now Summer's slowly dying - see Summer's soul was trying To break out of the bonds, become a sun again, shining 21, collapsed veins, powdered bloody nose, a shattered frame The remnants of her memories keep her mildly sane Summer's pastime was pa**in time by talking to herself Amidst the heckles of the pa**ers-by , her muffled cries for help Fell onto deaf ears, out of the mouth of babes Came the echoed only, lonely cries no one wanted to save Though Summer's stomach showed no signs of having amniotic fluid Third trimester rolled around, and through it all she was clueless Until she woke up in the same hospital she was abandoned Being told "Push" by doctor's and the voice in her head that demanded She make it through to see the splinter in the dark A new start, new purpose, new woman, same heart And through her next 50 years of life, 'til her eventual d**h There was never a sound sweeter than her child's first breath And the Fall of Summer into Winter's darkest of days Ended when Summer realized the Spring's sun-rays