You were born in 88, never made it past your sweet 16 It seems dreams don't trickle down to peasants from queens But please understand my habeebatee Words can't communicate what you mean to me Life ain't supposed to be a misery and mystery It sickens me to think that you'd be lost into history Until I die we fly to infinity I'll be sure the world knowsÉ When your mother died at five in a sudden car crash Your life was divided in the little shards of gla** You tried to hide it but these scars will last It's hard to grasp another star collapsed Your dad looked for visions of your mom in his arm When he should've been looking in your eyes all along Not realizing dawn when the sunrise is gone So I do my best to right wrongs in this song Ha**an came along as a glimmer of hope When your grandparents treated you like a ghost And a hermit turned bu*terfly when love bloomed But you weren't allowed to date so it had to cocoon Innocence stripped at the hands of Ali Darabee when you tried to break free Until I die, we fly to infinity I'll be sure the world knows If the moral police were really doing their job They couldn't have claimed to use Sharia Law
In the name of Allah, humanity and innocence You were too jameelah in and out for imprisonment 1 secret kept, 3 years of abuse 1 prison sentence, 1 rope and 1 noose 1 hundred lashes for confessing the truth 1 little girl too pure for this world I can see you in my mind's eye as you fly by And I'd reverse time on Hahji Rezhi If I could find how to rearrange the stars Move space and time, break you out of your bars Wipe the tears from your face, sew up your scars Stop the whole human race in place for what they carved Until I die, we fly to infinity I'll be sure the world knows Life is to be loved (and) love is to be lived (And) You went to the light (and) you were just a kid They do what they did cause they could see the spirit in ya You stood up for yourself, you were life's taliba Real woman fighting back when they tried to hide this Voice for the oppressed in a world of laryngitis Close your eyes with the knowledge you saved A million other girls from an early grave Atefah, you can now close your eyes Spread your wings to the skies Atefah, you didn't die in vain I'll get this to change