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All Ai Phoenix Albums
The Light Shines Almost All the Way (2007)
Bring on the Night, Love *
Broken Bones
He Kisses the Streets I Walk
I'm Barely Trying
Like We Know
Peter Pan
She Eats Stones
The Party's Over
Where Only We Go
I've Been Gone - Letter One (2004)
A Country Live in the Autumn *
Autobahn *
Call Me In, Piccard *
Held Into the Fire *
Leaving the Fairground *
Melt Our Hearts Forever *
Sing Ghost Song *
Small, Red, Heartshaped Pillow *
Somewhere Nice and All
The Last Resort *
The Pilot and the Pilgrim *
Trolley in the Train *
The Driver Is Dead (2000)
Hey, the Driver's Dead, We Cry *
If You Ever Saw Her Name *
Institution *
k**er, k**er Radio Thriller *
Snow and Light
The Sound of Troy
The Thief and the Riversong *
This Is Close *
Volga Beach Hotel *
We Think You Are Very Brave *
Wishinglot *
See all Ai Phoenix songs