(alex)Slander - Who Goes There? lyrics


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(alex)Slander - Who Goes There? lyrics

When we first conversed it person I acted surprised As if I didn't already have her every detail memorized Can't take my mind off that beautiful smile She's a sight for sore eyes And I've been tracking her for miles So when I finally caught her attention for a minute I was hoping that we might have some similar interests But no, I'm into music She's into the business Regardless, I still snaked her phone for her digits And I called her everyday after with no answer I swear behind the dial tone I can faintly hear her laughter It makes me sick to my stomach the way she turns a shoulder On the one's who love her most If I could only show her... My friends keep telling me to just forget about her But every time I close my eyes I hear the voice louder Screaming in my ear It's telling me to never quit I'm everything she's ever wanted She just doesn't know it yet So when I followed her home from work that one day I was lurking through the subway until she caught my gaze Recognized the situation, hastened her pace And ran this footrace to the front door of her place Now I see her peeking at me through the curtain I'm perfect for her She's perfect for me, I'm positive, I'm certain This wasn't the exact reaction I'd expected But it's also not the first time I've been reduced to begging So "why are you doing this?" I scream at the front door "I came to give you everything and this is what I get?" Blinded with rage and no real grasp left I put my fist through the gla** and let myself into her nest Screaming "I'm not crazy, you're just too damn beautiful! Tell me what you need and I'll show you how I'm useful! Tell me why you're running, I'm not here to abuse you! I can't take rejection! I need your approval!" I pursued her down the hall to her room Calling "Mercy! There's money in my purse! See? Just please don't hurt me!" Well honestly, I didn't come to commandeer your currency Call it common courtesy, but I am not a common thief Currently I seek the kind of energy you're harvesting Harkening a part of me forth to absorb nourishment Head back, neck snap Flesh spread across chest Maw split, open breast Sipped her up in one breath Fell into a black abyss of rap battles and cannabis Never to be seen again by family, friends, or relatives Forever, she will remain restless in my abdomen Clawing at the ribbed cage perpetually contracting