ABC News - Ben Affleck and Russ Feingold Speak to Martha Raddatz on 'This Week' lyrics


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ABC News - Ben Affleck and Russ Feingold Speak to Martha Raddatz on 'This Week' lyrics

STEPHANOPOULOS: Ben Affleck scored some bipartisan praise on Capitol Hill this week when he joined the U.S. special envoy to Congo, Russ Feingold, in a bid to leverage his star power for aid to that war ravaged country. The Oscar winner traveled there nine times for his Eastern Congo Initiative. And as he told Martha Raddatz, that mission has changed his life. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) MARTHA RADDATZ, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Of all the Hollywood stars who used their celebrity to focus cameras on a favorite cause, Ben Affleck, who has dedicated himself to war torn eastern Congo, is one of the most well-respected. SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, (R) ARIZONA: You are eminently qualified to give us the benefit of your experience and knowledge. SEN. ED MARKEY, (D) MASSACHUSETTS: We admire your acting, but we admire your activism even more. BEN AFFLECK, ACTOR: I am, to state the obvious, not a Congo expert. I'm an American working to do my part for a country and a people I believe in and care deeply about. RADDATZ: The numbers from Congo are mind-boggling -- 5 million dead since 1998, almost 3 million still displaced from their homes last year. AFFLECK: Targeted investment and promising Congolese-driven solutions can and will drive economic growth and will create jobs. RADDATZ: But Affleck doesn't just talk about it, he has been there nine times with his organization, Eastern Congo Initiative. AFFLECK: It's not that people don't care about Africa or about terrible crises like this, it's just like you don't to want hear about it. It's so vile. The way it's presented is so difficult. And you can't take it in. How many millions of people. I can't even understand that. It really struck me, you know, why is this child's life worth any less than own my children's? Why is this woman's life worth less than my wife's? RADDATZ: What would you say to Americans about why they should care about this? AFFLECK: This is who we are as Americans. We believe in helping others who are down, who are suffering, who are being exploited. Those are our values. And we are a little weary because we have been involved in several conflicts overseas that have maybe sapped some of our will and we have become perhaps a bit disillusioned with engaging overseas. But I don't think that we should give up on our core values. RUSS FEINGOLD, U.S. SPECIAL ENVOY TO CONGO: It's really a model for the way the United States needs to approach this. He's given it sustained attention. And that's my motto for what the United States is trying to do here. RADDATZ: I think I heard something on your website that your life didn't have much meaning until you did this. AFFLECK: Before you engage in some issue, people sit down and you go this is all you're doing? Is just being a celebrity, you're not giving back anything in the world? I thought, I haven't really done anything substantial, aside from my work, that I can look back on and say I contributed to society in a way that was commensurate with the blessings that I have. RADDATZ: There is rare good news out of the Congo after more than a decade of fighting, a major rebel group surrendered last November and a special all-Africa-led UN peacekeeping team has had success reducing the violence. Still, Affleck and Feingold say the U.S. should press the young Congolese government to do more, like hold fair elections and fix the police. FEINGOLD: Without those things, yes, it becomes very fragile, and we can lose the progress we've made. AFFLECK: It's not about spending money, it's not going to cost our government a lot of money, it's getting the attention of the secretary and the president and the Senate and the House to say this is a priority for us. That in and of itself can kind of move mountains. RADDATZ: Affleck will continue his work, but with a pause for tonight's Oscar ceremony. Let me ask you one question that you weren't asked on Capitol Hill? So, what are you doing for the Oscars? AFFLECK: My wife is presenting. I am not. But I'll probably sneak along with her and then we'll have a date night and go to a few of the parties and have a good time. RADDATZ: His wife, Jennifer Garner, in the Oscar-nominated movie "Dallas Buyers Club." AFFLECK: "Dallas Buyers Club," yes, my heart is with my wife's movie, which she's so great in it. RADDATZ: Your prediction, senator? FEINGOLD: I'll be watching it on television. AFFLECK: Senator, maybe you ought to come with me. FEINGOLD: Oh, now you're talking. (END VIDEOTAPE)