7 Angels 7 Plagues lyrics

7 Angels 7 Plagues

Top 7 Angels 7 Plagues lyrics

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues

7 Angels 7 Plagues biography

Milwaukee, WI-based 7Angels 7Plagues have continued in the Midwest tradition of some of the region's finest, most daring, and accomplished metalcore bands -- bands like Coalesce and Arma Angelus -- by spicing up their approach to the genre with sk**ful musicianship and adeptly played guitar dementia. Their often Christian faith infused lyrics are contrasted by a pummeling rhythm, crunching discordant guitar playing and screaming, and throaty vocals akin to bands like Zao and Poison the Well. Drummer Jared Logan formed 7Angels 7Plagues in 1999 after his band and another area band dissolved on the same weekend. He cobbled together 7Angels 7Plagues out of those two bands' former lineups, with the outfit being comprised of ba**ist Kyle Johnson, guitarists Matt Matera and Ryan Morgan, and vocalist Matthew Mixon. The band recorded a demo in 2000, shopping it around to hardcore-oriented independent record labels while playing shows throughout the Midwest. Their buddies in Up in Arms had released a record through California's Uprising, as had their friends in the Chicago-based band Racetraitor, so that label was one of the first to receive the band's demo. Logan contacted Uprising owner Sean Muttaqi in August of 2000, discussing music, politics, religion, and 7Angels 7Plagues future -- as well as just life in general. Eventually the two parties decided to release music together. 7Angels 7Plagues entered Bionic Studios in Wisconsin with producer Kristian Riley to record their first full-length album in early 2001. Jhazmyne's Lullaby, named for a song Logan composed on piano for his sister, was released in the fall of 2001. Logan spent some time helping out Up in Arms and sitting in with Martyr AD for a tour before 7Angels 7Plagues did some touring of their own with Chicago's Arma Angelus and other hardcore bands. ~ Ryan J. Downey, All Music Guide